Survey Results: Homeschooling Books and Resources
Recently, we asked you what books or other resources influenced your decision to homeschool. Thank you to all who responded.
Resources mentioned by more than one respondent:
- Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Gatto (1992)
- Free to Learn by Peter Gray (2015)
- Teach Your Own: The Indispensable Guide to Living and Learning with Children at Home by John Holt and Pat Farenga (updated edition 2021)
- The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise (updated 2004)
- “Public, Private, Online, Homeschool?” from Ask Pastor John (podcast episode)
- TED-ED: "Do schools kill creativity?" by Sir Ken Robinson (video)
Other books mentioned:
- The 5-Hour School Week: An Inspirational Guide to Leaving the Classroom to Embrace Learning in a Way You Never Imagined by Kaleena Amuchastegui and Aaron Amuchastegui (2018)
- Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way by Mayim Bialik Ph.D. and Dr. Jay Gordon (2012)
- The Bible (various editions)
- The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming the Wonder in Your Child's Education, A New Way to Homeschool by Ainsley Arment (2019)
- A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola (1998)
- Easy Homeschooling Techniques: The REAL How-To Guide by Lorraine Curry (3rd edition, 2004)
- Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense by David Guterson (1992)
- Home Grown: Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconnecting with the Natural World by Ben Hewitt (2014)
- Homeschooling for Excellence by David Colfax and Micki Colfax (1988)
- On Being Freer by Caleb Gattegno (2010)
- Towards a Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason (various editions)
- Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom by Kerry McDonald and Peter Gray (2019)
- The Well-Adjusted Child: The Social Benefits of Homeschooling by Rachel Gathercole (2007)
Additional authors mentioned:
- Janet Lansbury
- Valerie Bendt
- Carol Barnier
Other resources mentioned:
- Abeka (curriculum seller)
- Brave Writer (podcast)
- Class Dismissed (film)
- The Deeply Rooted Homeschool (blog)
- Focus on the Family (radio program)
- Growing Without Schooling (magazine)
- Harrowsmith Country Life (magazine)
- Heidi St John (podcast)
- HomeScholar (website)
- Homeschooling with Dyslexia (website)
- The Oglesby Ohana (YouTube channel)
- Sam Sorbo Show (podcast)