Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts, Inc.

Word Cloud

A look at the topics tackled by our One-on-One Contacts in 2023

If you have ever sent a homeschool question to AHEM, chances are good someone in the community has had a similar question. According to the numbers, the most frequently used words in 2023 were: homeschool (46%), district (34%), education plan (24%), approval (12%), application (11%), superintendent (8%), services (7%), register (6%), and IEP (5%).

AHEM’s one-on-one volunteers offer information and engage with you to address each question, whether you are just looking into homeschooling, withdrawing mid-year and wondering if your district needs to approve your plan before you start, or need a sounding board for how to respond to your school district. Common questions include:

We strive to answer your questions in a timely manner and offer thoughtful guidance on follow-up actions if needed so you can proceed with confidence. Sometimes we are able to direct you to the answer on the AHEM website, other times more assistance is needed—understanding how case law works, addressing town extralegal requests, or learning that in Massachusetts homeschoolers do not have to draft a letter of intent but instead submit an education plan.

How it works: AHEM representatives review and respond to one-on-one inquiries personalized to specific needs and circumstances of each submission.

Why connect with AHEM: When you submit a question you have access to a diverse pool of volunteers with many years of homeschool experience in Massachusetts that can help guide you to information that allows you to become your own best advocate. We can also facilitate community connections and suggest resources.

Get involved: If you’re interested in contributing, consider becoming a volunteer.

At AHEM we invite and encourage all homeschoolers to read through the website to become familiar with Massachusetts laws, reporting, networking, and resources. Our volunteers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Have a question for us?

You can find our One-on-One Contact form here.