Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts, Inc.

Thank you so much if you've already responded to our year-end appeal. If you haven't there's still time to make a 2023 tax-deductible donation to AHEM! Read on...

Dear AHEM Friends,

Twenty years ago, on the floor of a gymnasium during indoor homeschool gym time, AHEM was brought to life by a group of passionate homeschooling mothers with the goal to maintain the right to independently homeschool and strengthen the grassroots presence of homeschoolers in Massachusetts.

AHEM’s specific ways of serving its mission have evolved, shaped by the interests of those at the helm, while taking into consideration the changing needs and desires of Massachusetts homeschoolers – YOU!

Core endeavors from day one have included:

In 2020 the homeschooling population exploded, more than doubling in size. AHEM rose to the challenge, orienting many people who started homeschooling against their will, providing over 20 virtual homeschooling presentations, articles to help this specific population get started, and ways to connect with others when getting together in real life was not possible.

The number of Massachusetts homeschoolers is estimated to have increased 55% since 2017-2018. Yet some things stay the same: Twenty years on, the resources that help support homeschooling families like you still come from committed, knowledgeable homeschooling parents like AHEM volunteers.

Help AHEM continue to provide the reliable quality service you’ve come to expect. AHEM depends on donations from homeschoolers like you to keep bringing you our website, survey results, free counseling, legislative watch, and programming. As the year draws to a close, please consider a tax-deductible donation of any amount so we can continue to work for you!

Sophia Sayigh
Volunteer board member 2003 - 2023