Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts, Inc.

Easy As Pie

— idiom.
easy as pie Informal.
Capable of being accomplished or done with no difficulty.

For 17 years AHEM has been tracking trends and hot spots across Massachusetts with our Questionnaire on Homeschooling Policy and Practice. The data we gather gives us firsthand knowledge of how schools are (or aren’t!) implementing policy. That knowledge directly helps us help you to maintain homeschooling as the valuable educational option it is in Massachusetts. It provides us with a historical view of homeschool climate, and alerts us to possibly troubling practices. It also helps us counsel individual homeschoolers as we have the knowledge of others’ experiences to refer to.

You can help by anonymously completing the online AHEM Questionnaire on Massachusetts Homeschool Policy and Practice.

Empower Massachusetts homeschoolers by answering the survey now. It couldn’t be easier—takes 5 - 10 minutes—especially at this time of year when these procedures, or lack of them as the case may be (we want to know that too!) are fresh in many minds.

Even if you have filled out the questionnaire in the past—please do it again for 2020. Personnel and policies can change, and we want to keep up-to-date.

Click here!

Your efforts at putting fingers to keyboard are MOST appreciated!